It's a project based on at least 12 workshops (chapters) we're doing at the moment on the course. "These workshops will look at how design principles such as contrast, scale, juxtaposition, texture, colour etc can be applied to the theme of London". So far I've done five of them; Contrast, Shade, Flow, Movement and Layers. The flow workshop included us visiting the Museum of London, and having a look at the London Steet Photography Exhibition (I've shared some of my favourite photos in another post a bit further down). Really worth visiting if you're interested.
Was doing some research and looked at students books from previous years. Found some really nice ones. Although it seems like they've changed the format for this year because ours have to be printed on landscape A4 and folded down to pages of A5 portrait using the French Fold format and bound together with binding screws. The book will also have a Wraparound Poster Cover.
This really nice book is made by Blanka Kvetonova: